Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Huge Thank You!

This post goes out to everyone who helped us get through this journey.

For starters, our parents were hugely instrumental in this endeavor.  Between sending us packages, driving us to the airports, late night calls for support, and just generally encouraging us to do this trip they have been amazing!  Our parents really are the best!

Next up, the various "Trail Angels" we met along the way.  People who housed us, fed us, clothed us, gave us beer, and generally were just some of the coolest people on earth.  Special recognition goes out to The Gourmet Group, our friends from NYC, Isaiah and Lonnie from Dubois, The Toaster House and Pie-O-Neer staff, Jai and Lorrie Shaffer who sent us packages, Stephen Kilbert, and Michael Polka (who tried to meet up with us for dinner and bring us beer but due to our changing schedule ended up driving for hours and not getting to meet us).  Meeting and spending time with these people took our trip from being a cool ride to the amazing experience that it was!

Finally, to everyone along the way who asked us questions, gave us words of encouragement, or even just gave a friendly wave or a honk and a thumbs up.  These little gestures really made us feel like we were doing something special and kept us going on some of the hard days.

So to all of you who were there for us, supported us, or even just kept up to date reading our blog, thank you!  You are all awesome!

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